We don’t make claims for our product. We let our customers speak for us.

  • I have been exposed to many Snake Medicine Salesmen promising miracles to my Cessna 185 if I would purchase and install their modification kits. I flew the aircraft with those modifications and could not see or feel any difference. Ken Snider promised I would see and feel the results of the Snider Speed Kit. My Cessna 185 had 8.00 x 6 Cessna Wheel Pants and Brake Fairings prior to the Snider Speed Kit installation. Ken installed the following items: brake, gear leg, fuselage, and horizontal stabilizer fairings. After flying with another Cessna 185 with the Snider Speed Kit prior to and after the installation at specified altitudes using electronic tachometers, the chase aircraft had to increase his manifold pressure 2 inches to stay with me. At 65% power I can see an increase of 5 knots on my airspeed indicator and and increase of 8 knots TAS at 8,000 feet. Another item that impressed me is my rate of climb increased in excess of 10%. I normally climb at 110 knots at 75% power. Our instrument indications vary from day to day as you know, so that was the purpose of the chase aircraft on both flights. I am very pleased with the Snider Speed Kit, their factory quality, installation and professionalism. Should I purchase another Cessna 180/185 to keep, I will have the Snider Speed Kit installed on it.
    H. Buz Landry
    P.O. Box 222
    Georgetown, TX 78627

    Buz Landry
    Buz Landry
  • My Cessna 185 was the first 185 on which Willard Jackson installed the speed kit. I already had wheel pants, so I was pleasantly surprised when Willard flew my plane back a few weeks later with a 10 knot + increase in speed. These old 180/185s are so loaded with excess items that add drag, that any reduction in drag is readily apparent on your airspeed indicator. Of course, all planes are different, so I generally tell people they should expect a noticeable improvement. The folks who don't have wheel pants and who operate in rough muddy terrain are the ones who would benefit most from this kit.
    Tommy Rose

    Tommy Rose
    Tommy Rose
  • At 7,000 - 7,500 feet my 1955 C180 with the original 0-470-J 225 HP engine went from 128 to 143-145 kts TAS with the addition of the Snider Speed Kit and wheel pants. I really notice how fast and how much speed it picks up on descent. It removes drag tremendously. At a recent 180/185 meet my 180 won the 0-470 class race by a good margin and matched some of the 520 and 550 engine class airplanes. I believe you will get more knots per dollar than any other mod that I know of or have tried.
    John Hughes

    John Hughes
    John Hughes
  • Most of my trips are from 250 to 500 NM with a few 1,100 NM trips each year. On the longer trips is where you really see the difference in speed. For increase in Speed, I believe it is the best buy for your dollar. I got 80% as much increase with the speed kit as I did when I installed the IO550 Continental Engine. I have been very pleased with the fairings and also the excellent work you did on the installation.
    Scott White

    Scott White
    Scott White
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